Components of the Digestive System


Oral cavity- Mechanical processing, moistening, mixing with salivary secretions. Mouth breaks down food, moistens food, starts the break down of starch, glycogen.

Salivary Glands- Secretion of lubricating fluid containing enzymes that breakdown carbohydrates.

Esophagus- Transport of material to the stomach.

Liver- Secretion of bile (important for lipid digestion), storage of nutrients and vitamins, many other vital functions.

Gallbladder- Storage and concentration of bile (the liver).

Stomach- Chemical breakdown of material through acid and enzymatic attack.

Pancreas- Exocrine cells secrete buffers and digestive enzymes. Endocrine cells secrete hormones.

Small Intestine- Provides suitable environment for enzymatic digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and ions. There, the breakdown of major food molecules takes place, lubrication of the food pathway is provided, and control of the acidity of the food released into the small intestines by the stomach is controlled.

Large Intestine- Dehydration and Compaction of indigestible materials for elimination.

Rectum- Storage of wastes. Distension (stretching the rectum) triggers the defecation reflex that rids the body of undigested and unabsorbed residues.

Digestive Process

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